Student Research Symposium (SRS), 2018 By Dnyanada Pande / Mar 03, 2018 / Expeditions, Conferences and Outreach (2) Students from Dinsdale lab were able to present their research at the annual Student Research Symposium at SDSU. Undergraduate student Rhaya Alkafaji presents her research on different stress response genes in the environment. Undergraduate student Dominic Cavalli presenting a poster on the substrate utilization patterns in bacteria. Undergraduate student Taylor Dillon presenting her research on the skin of the sharks. Graduate student Rebecca de Wardt presenting her research on the intersection of genotypic and phenotypic models. Graduate student Dnyanada Pande presenting her research on different ways to charcterize viruses. PhD students Brandie White and Asha Goodman present their research on the effects of sponges on coral reef microbes. PhD student Lais Lima presents her research on the coral reefs of Bermuda.